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Illness Policy

Illness Policy: Sick children must stay home. If a child exhibits unusual symptoms during the course of the day at ASK after drop-off, we will contact the child's parent to arrange a pick up as soon as possible. We encourage families to stay home until they are symptom-free for at least 72 hours after resolution of symptoms. If any of our staff are showing symptoms, they will stay home as well. The health status of sick children or families will be kept confidential.

Daily Health Check: If our staff observes a child or family member displaying unusual symptoms, they will be sent home. We will move the sick child to an isolated area while they wait for parent/guardian pick up. We may take the child's temperature using a non-contact body thermometer.

Adults and children may not enter our facility if they are showing any of the following symptoms:

● Diagnosis as having or being a carrier of a child care-restrictable disease
● Fever of over 100 degrees F 

● Sore throat

● Diarrhea
● Vomiting
● Severe cough
● Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes
● Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus-filled
● Difficult breathing or abnormal wheezing

● Stiff neck or headache paired with one or more of the symptoms listed above

● Complaints of severe pain.

Inform us if your child has been diagnosed with any communicable diseases (such as lice or chicken pox) so that we may inform other families. The sick child's identity will be kept confidential by staff.

Runny Nose Policy: If a child has a runny nose paired with any of the symptoms listed above, the child must stay home until symtpom-free. If a child has a runny nose paired with no other symptoms, they may still attend school. Runny noses are common in cold weather and often linger long after an illness is no longer contagious. If a child's nose is running during the school day, it is the staff's responsibility to wipe it. However, stay-day volunteers are not prohibited from wiping a child's nose and may do so if they are comfortable with it.

Hand Washing: All staff and children must wash their hands when they arrive at school, before all meals, after using the bathroom, and after sneezing, coughing, or blowing their nose. We have warm water and soap available at the hand washing station, which will be near the drop-off area at the beginning of the day. As a supplement to handwashing during the preschool day, we use non-toxic 60-95% proof hand sanitizer to sanitize hands with adult supervision. Please note that hand sanitizer cannot serve as a replacement to handwashing.

Immunization: We support listening to your pediatrician. All students must provide proof of immunization or sign an exemption. Please contact us if you need help providing documentation.




Sanitizing and Disinfecting Our Equipment and Toys: Our sanitation protocol is based off the Oregon Health Authority (OHA Cleaning and Sanitation Guidelines, link in Resources below). We regularly sanitize used toys and equipment to ensure a reduced risk of transmission. If a child puts a toy in their mouth, we will sanitize the toy between uses.

For more information on the Art and Science Kids Illness Policy, or for any questions, contact 541-415-0161


Our Sanitation Procedures

Resources for You to Stay Informed

Click on any of the underlined links below to access the website or document.


​Josephine County Public Health Contact

Michael Weber, Director
Address: 715 NW Dimmick Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526
Tel: (541) 474-5325
Fax: (541) 474-5353
TTD# 1-800-735-2900

©2020 by Art and Science Kids Outdoor Preschool. Proudly created with

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